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Club Projects, Activities and Beneficiaries
If you would like to donate to or participate in any of the Rotary Club of Edwardstown projects,
please email the secretary@edwardstownrotary.org

Fundraising Activities
- Rotary Book Exchange. Our major fundraiser since 1998, selling high quality second hand books
- Monthly BBQs at Bunnings

Community and Environmental Projects
- Meals on Wheels. In 2021 we celebrated the 60th year of assistance with this organisation. Providing a driver and delivery person each week.
- Trees for Life
- Glandore Community Centre
- Social Enhancement Club
- Support for Warriappendi School and Marion Primary School
- Catering for the local RSL ANZAC Day breakfast
- Support for local mental health facility

Youth and Vocational Projects
- RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Award. Each year we sponsor a young adult to attend a week long leadership and personal development program at Nunyara Conference Centre in Belair.
- RYPEN - Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment. A similar program held over a weekend for secondary school students.
- NYSF - National Youth Science Forum, for year 11 students interested in science.
- One & All Sailing Challenge

International Projects
- Provision of biogas toilets to villages in Nepal.
- Container of Hospital beds and equipment provided for an Eye Hospital in Nepal.
- Funding of a generator for Cervical Screening Project, India.
- Support for Eye & dental camps in Nepal
- Support for project in Indonesia

In addition, we have recently supported the following organisations financially:
- The Rotary Foundation
- Welcome to Australia Day
- Foodbank
- Jodi Lee Foundation
- Sammy D Foundation